section contains a selection of posters and photographs of Stefan Edberg. All items are in very good condition
unless otherwise stated.
As stock is continually changing please email
Tennis Collectables with a list of the item(s) you are interested in
and we will then get back to you with details of postage costs. All prices
include postage within the UK; overseas customers will be charged additional postage. We
can accept payment by Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard and American Express),
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Orders, Switch/Maestro, and International Money Orders in sterling.
All posters are in colour and
unfolded unless otherwise stated. A description of the picture is given,
together with approximate size, publisher (where known), estimated date of
publication and price. Scans give an indication of the picture - most do not
show the complete image as they are too large to scan fully. (© does NOT appear on the actual items).
2. End of backhand, waist length. 54x40 cms. Tennis Australia magazine 1986.
Folded. £3.50 (approx $5.95)

3. In air playing backhand, full length, Centre Court Wimbledon. 40x54 cms.
Tennis Australia magazine 1992. Folded. £3.50 (approx $5.95)

5. Knee length playing backhand. Left hand edge of poster has 5 pictures of
Stefan on and off court. 40x54 cms. Tennis Australia magazine 1997.
Folded. £4.50 (approx $7.65)

6. Poster of the Swedish national flag with Edberg’s name printed on it. This poster was issued as
tribute during Stefan's final year on the tour. 60x46 cms. Issued by IBM.
Folded. £2.50 (approx $4.25)